Did you know most new year's goals fail by February?

Why do you think?

Well, most strategies for goal setting actually set us up for failure.

I get it! I was left disappointed with the progress on my own new year's goals for most of my life.

There's another approach to go about goal setting though, which is  way more effective.

When you understand why most new year's goals are set up for failure in the first place, it makes it much easier to design a vision for the year that not only works, but can get you further than what you thought was even possible.

In this episode I’m going to show you how to avoid common mistakes for new year's goal setting so you can have the best year yet in 2023.

You’ll also learn:

*The top three reasons most new year's goals fail (surprise! it's not what you'd expect!)

*How to create your vision for 2023

*Tips to ensure you don't put yourself in a cage with your goal setting so you can allow yourself freedom and flexibility

*How to reverse engineer your goals based on your vision for 2023

Ready to set up 2023 for success? Grab Adina's 2022 Reflection / 2023 Vision Setting Masterclass that walks you through how to reverse engineer goal setting here: https://buy.stripe.com/28o5nC9wvfOAdwcbIZ

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*Connect with me on instagram @adinaappelbaum and @immigrant.finance for sparks of inspiration.

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