To grow both your health and your finances, it is important to change your mindset and learn to invest in improving your health, education, and wellness. 🙌

Michelle is a fitness coach that has experience with investing in herself, creating her own wealth, and getting an education to make smarter choices. In this episode, she shares with us her challenges and rewards of owning a business.

Her dad is from New Jersey, and her mom is from South Korea. Michelle grew up as a military brat and missionary kid, so she moved around a lot. She shares the experience of feeling different or out of place. She has seen firsthand in multiple countries the privileges that native English speakers, usually white, have of going to another country and calling themselves ex-pats and enjoying their status... While many immigrants, often who are highly qualified, get overlooked and treated less because of their language or the way they look.

In this episode, Michelle encourages you to make yourself a priority and learn how to start being more kind to yourself. ✨

finances #lifestyle #health #investinyourself