Have you ever wondered about all that buying a house implies? πŸ€” Buying your first home is a huge part of the American Dream. But it isn’t just about saving up for the down payment and closing costs. There are so many more financial considerations that go into buying real estate - especially the first month!

This kind of experience can make us feel stressed, trigger a scarcity mindset, and we can wrongly use our energy. 🀯

In this episode, Adina peels back the curtain on all the expenses, financial challenges, and mindset hurdles during her and Mau's first month in their new home. You will learn how to prepare for expenses that can go beyond our radar and some financial strategies that you can use to buy a house. πŸ‘πŸ’²

Learn More in Our Best-selling Masterclass - How To Buy A Home As An Immigrant Family : Uncovering The Path To The American Dream


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