Dear listeners, I've got something on my heart to share. 

 💚 For about a year now, I've been going through a big shift personally as a creator, advocate, business and financial coach, business owner, mother, wife, and human being. It's been bringing me in new directions and has been leading to lots of growth. 

💚 I've felt a similar "pulling toward" feeling many times in life. Especially before starting Immigrant Finance,™ which led to its creation. It usually starts with discomfort, fear, doubt, and future-tripping. Followed by a surge of energy pulling me into an unknown direction. Finally, I am led to the next step in my journey. 

💚 Many of you are going through similar experiences. As you journey through your financial empowerment or other aspects of life, you may be going through overwhelming fear and doubt. 

💚 You may think something is wrong, not realizing you're actually going through massive growth. This happens a lot with our coaching students before they have a major financial, business, or mindset breakthrough. 

💚 To build wealth and step into complete abundance, we have to constantly grow as people. 

❤️Check out this episode to hear more about the process of growth, and some exciting updates for this show that have come out of the creative process! 

With love, 
