Immigrant Entrepreneur: Odette D’Aniello

Originally from the Philippines, Odette came to a small island, Guam with her family at a very young age. Her parents came to work on a bakery shop, that was owned by Odette's uncle and aunt. Little did she know that she was going to be working at the bakery shop without pay as a little girl. 

She didn't see the sun, she didn't have a normal childhood and they didn't celebrate holidays. Odette had to grow up really fast as a child, all because she was handling heavy machinery at the bakery, and doing adult work as a child. 

Odette escaped Guam, to go to the States for college and studied Political Studies and East Asian Studies. After college, she wanted to become a lawyer! But with her experience and love for baking she launched Celebrity Cake Studios close to 23 years ago! 

Odette is truly passionate with her cake decorative skills and her artistic side transpires beautiful cakes. She's truly a success and her journey is inspirational! 


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