Immigrant Entrepreneur: Sahar Roques

Sahar fled to America alone at 25 years ago to pursue a higher education degree where she was banned by the government of Iran to achieve due to my religious beliefs.

In the U.S. she studied Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics at University of Maryland College Park while working over 30 hours a week to earn a living.

After graduating she worked at biotech companies for a few years until she got married and had kids. After having kids, she realized a corporate job is not a right fit for her or her growing family.

After quitting she was lost, confused and didn’t have any solid plans on how to move forward with her career. Her passion for cooking, nutrition, and helping others through her work landed her to start her recipe developing and branding Spice of Life simmer sauces. She loves to encourage healthy eating one meal at a time with Persian spices/herbs.

Always looking to improve, she reads lots of health books and incorporating what she learned into her life and work. The Spice of Life community is her family and she loves taking care of everyone by delivering the best products.


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