Immigrant Entrepreneur: Daisy Jing

Daisy came from China with her family when she was very young. Growing up in an immigrant household where money was scarce and she was always about saving. 

Her mom worked at McDonald's, in the back kitchen since she didn't speak English well and she worked at Chinese restaurants under the table. Daisy saw first hand what hard work was all about. 

When Daisy went through horrible acne she went looking for answers. What she did next was astonishing. She started to record her journey on YouTube and launched over 1,000 videos. She showed the world what it was like going from acne to clear skin. 

So when Daisy created her own skincare products people started to buy! She knew there was something there and decided to quit her corporate job. 

Banish started close to 8 years ago and it is thriving! In this episode we talk about what it's like being an entrepreneur and a mother to a very young baby!


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