Immigrant Entrepreneur: Igor Krasnykh

Igor immigrated from Russia at 17 years old.. He didn't know much of any English and the English that he did know wasn't helping him much. He was always interested in software, and the IT world so he started several different businesses on the side. Some of them failed but he didn't stop there. 

He is a college dropout and one of his side hustles that he started (PowerSync) allowed him to grow that company all organically and without much of any advertising. His startup cost was a whopping $200. 

He is self taught in everything computer related and the software industry. When he saw some traction in the very beginning stages he kept working at it for around 8 years until he finally couldn't take it anymore. Well, he saw substantial growth and he had to make a decision. Does he quit his corporate career or sell his side gig? 

His decision to take PowerSynce full time eventually allowed him to generate $1M in revenue in only 1 year. 



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