***These episodes are from the original HOARDD Talks Podcast, made in 2021. They are the original unedited version from when they were first released, being rereleased under the #ImJustSaying name. I feel that there is a lot of educational info that people can benefit from hence the rerelease!***

With the Delta Variant running rampant and everybody is scrambling to have some kind of normalcy, there has been a search for the right understanding of what we should do. With that comes such a shift in our lives that none of us could even be prepared for. We can't see our friends & family, we can't go out, we can't even go to the office just to go to work. This frustration splits us into two, and this brings all of the anger and the fighting that we're seeing now. The founded mistrust of the powers that be brings us to the point where this episode became necessary to put out to the masses. I want this episode to clear up any confusion there is about the vaccine while giving you the information you need to make an informed decision, while entertaining you with that sass I'm known for lol. I hope that this reaches the right ears and that this can help that person sitting on the ropes figure out what's right for them. With that in mind, please enjoy the third episode of HOARDD Talks!

My References
CDC on What The Vaccines Are Made Of: https://bit.ly/3k0LLeA
CDC on Pregnancy Regarding The Vaccine: https://bit.ly/3leGwaz
CDC Saying The J&J Vaccine Is Safe: https://bit.ly/3hjXEL2
UAB on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines: How could anything developed this quickly be safe?: https://bit.ly/3hp0VIR
FDA Approves First Vaccine: https://bit.ly/3908DEA
FDA Explaining Ivermectin And To Not Take It For COVID-19: https://bit.ly/3k7TIyR
FDA on Pfizer Vaccine: https://bit.ly/3tz5FRe
NY Times Explaining How the J&J Vaccine Works: https://nyti.ms/38W2rh5
Hackensack Meridan Health Explaining The Ingredients of the Vaccines: https://bit.ly/3hpDCyu
Mayo Clinic Explaining The J&J Vaccine: https://mayocl.in/2X7G71O
VCU Health Explaining How The J&J Vaccine is Different from The Others: https://bit.ly/3hncKzr
Moderna Explaining mRNA: https://bit.ly/3tvO7Fk
Medical News Today Explaining How The Vaccine Was Made Quickly: https://bit.ly/3E9p0xd
Science Disproving Judy Mikovits: https://bit.ly/3ldBr2n
LA County Public Health Explaining If Aborted Fetal Cell Lines Are In The Vaccine: https://bit.ly/3tycVwy
Secretariat Of Pro-Life Activities Saying It Is Ok To Take The Vaccine: https://bit.ly/3A5n6uO
Baltimore Sun On Joseph Mercola: https://bit.ly/3A5TtcV
ACOG On Breakthrough Bleeding: https://bit.ly/3E7quYJ
NPR On The LifeCycle Of A COVID Vaccine Lie: https://n.pr/2Xe3vdG
JAMA Network on the J&J Vaccine: https://bit.ly/3nkDCUf

Source of Cover Photo: https://bit.ly/2VwNDCm

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© Samuel Townsend