Well, they finally did it. After referencing Scrubs in almost every episode for over a year, Don and Chuck finally went ahead and talked about the show for an hour. Specifically, they discuss two episodes from season 5: My Lunch and My Fallen Idol. These two episodes tell the story of JD and Dr. Cox both losing patients and blaming themselves. It's a silly, sad, cartoonish, depressing pair of episodes that aren't just a great introduction for new watchers - they're two of the best episodes of the entire series. 

And, as for lessons? Well. At the end of the day, Don and Chuck like to give advice about life. But, much like Dr. Cox, they find that following your own advice isn't always the easiest when you're convinced you're the problem. And, when you spend so much of your time trying to help people, you can't blame yourself for taking the time to give yourself some space and be human; and, as painful as it is, you can only help others as much as they want to be helped. All in all, you might wish you could help your loved ones solve all of their problems - especially the bigger ones. But, sometimes, you have to just fix what you can and trust that, with enough time, and enough love, their broken parts will start to come together to form the complete version of them you know they can become. 


Music by Nathan Terry

Follow him on Instagram: @nterrymusic

Visit his website: www.nterrymusic.com 

Follow Imitating Art on Instagram: @ImitatingArtPod

And Twitter: @ImitatingArtPod 

Check out Don's solo podcast: don't worry, i'm finite