Question: How did Moonlight turn a $4 million budget into a Best Picture winner at the Oscars?

Answer: Watch the damn movie.

Moonlight tells the sweet, somber, and often frightening tale of Chiron--a young man in search of himself over the course of decades. Gay, black, and devoid of a support system, Chiron just wants to find his place. Unfortunately, the people and systems around him make it feel nearly impossible. It's a character study with no easy answers. And it asks the audience to think deeply about Chiron, his situation, and his humanity.

Don and Chuck find plenty to talk about with this one. From bullying, to children realizing they can't trust adults, to how we never stop needing guidance even as adults, Moonlight interweaves its themes into a movie that should be watched, thought about, and discussed.

Music by Nathan Terry

Visit him on Instagram: @nterrymusic

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And Twitter: @ImitatingArtPod

Check out Don's solo podcast: don't worry, i'm finite

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