In Episode 55 of The IMbetween Podcast, Daniel and Christina Im interview Scarlet Hiltibidal about ALL the things she has been afraid of—tornadoes, firenadoes, cows, kids who never stop screaming, plane crashes, exploding organs—just to name a few. Scarlet grew up in the green room of SNL, was born to a fire-eater and then was adopted by a SWAT cop. Scarlet has been given some of life's strangest experiences and lived in fear through most of them. Hear how Scarlet stopped being so afraid and how —you too— can live beyond fear when you don't have to overcome it. 

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In Episode 55 of The IMbetween Podcast, Daniel and Christina Im interview Scarlet Hiltibidal about ALL the things she has been afraid of—tornadoes, firenadoes, cows, kids who never stop screaming, plane crashes, exploding organs—just to name a few. Scarlet grew up in the green room of SNL, was born to a fire-eater and then was adopted by a SWAT cop. Scarlet has been given some of life's strangest experiences and lived in fear through most of them. Hear how Scarlet stopped being so afraid and how —you too— can live beyond fear when you don't have to overcome it. 

For the full show notes, go to

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