In this episode we talk with Halifax entrepreneur and investor Marc St. Onge about his businesses Bend Beauty, Aycoutay Technologies and Small Food Inc. Smallfood are focused on unearthing the potential of microbes to evolve how our world is nourished. Their ingredients enable sustainability and collaborate with health food and supplement companies to create nutritious, vegan, environmentally friendly products that customers love.

Imaginal Cells is an audio series interviewing transformational business leaders who are proving that business can be a force for good in the world. Our hope is that every episode will inspire you to make your own impact in the world.In this episode we talk with Halifax entrepreneur and investor Marc St. Onge about his businesses Bend Beauty, Aycoutay Technologies and Small Food Inc. Smallfood are focused on unearthing the potential of microbes to evolve how our world is nourished. Their ingredients enable sustainability and collaborate with health food and supplement companies to create nutritious, vegan, environmentally friendly products that customers love.In this conversation we talk about purpose, values and social impact and why creating a business built on purpose matters.This episode covers:
Expanding the definition of what beauty is. It’s what we feed ourselves, what we feed our minds and how we express ourselves in our most authentic and genuine way.
Small Foods purpose is to nourish a sustainable planet. Sustaining the health of the people and the planet. 
Their purpose is expressed through their products and their technology platform. People need high quality protein to be healthy. Food manufacturers can incorporate this protein into products we already love, and it has a minimal impact on the land and freshwater requirements, emissions and supports green impact. 
Business is focused on energy management.
Business is about knowing what we are creating, knowing how we want that journey to feel and knowing that your culture is fundamental to bringing that to life.
For more information visit:Small Food Inc. website: Beauty website: Aycoutay Technologies website:   The Imaginal website link: