How do you have conversations with your guy friends about mental health? How do you ask them if they're feeling suicidal? Do men even have mental health problems? These are questions that I've asked myself and others and a lot of the times it's the same answer... "I don't know". Well today, that changes! On this episode, my guest is Jay Shifman and we talk about substance abuse vs misuse, mental health in male communities, why it’s hard for men to open up, why we need to have conversations about suicide and what society can do to make it easier for men to have these conversations. It's a heavy conversation but it's really important.
As it’s currently Movember and a month about men’s mental health, I thought this would be an important episode to share with you during this time. Here is a link to my friend Gautham’s (Movember fundraiser link) should you be interested in donating. You can also check out Gautham’s episode which is literally episode number one of this podcast!
As for Jay, you can connect with him on FB at (ChooseYourStruggle), on IG at (JayShifman), on LinkedIn at (Jay Shifman) and website (
If you like the episode, make sure to press subscribe, follow, leave a review and message me on Instagram @theimperfectpod or email me at Luke@theimperfect pod. I always always want to hear from my listeners and continue the conversation!

How do you have conversations with your guy friends about mental health? How do you ask them if they're feeling suicidal? Do men even have mental health problems? These are questions that I've asked myself and others and a lot of the times it's the same answer... "I don't know". Well today, that changes! On this episode, my guest is Jay Shifman and we talk about substance abuse vs misuse, mental health in male communities, why it’s hard for men to open up, why we need to have conversations about suicide and what society can do to make it easier for men to have these conversations. It's a heavy conversation but it's really important.

As it’s currently Movember and a month about men’s mental health, I thought this would be an important episode to share with you during this time. Here is a link to my friend Gautham’s Movember fundraiser link should you be interested in donating. You can also check out Gautham’s episode which is literally episode number one of this podcast!

As for Jay, you can connect with him on FB at ChooseYourStruggle, on IG at JayShifman, on LinkedIn at Jay Shifman and website

If you like the episode, make sure to press subscribe, follow, leave a review and message me on Instagram @theimperfectpod or email me at Luke@theimperfect pod. I always always want to hear from my listeners and continue the conversation!