Being a victim of bully can make for a hard life. For Tanveer, it came to the point of his house being egged, being verbally bullied and much more. For the first part of his life it was really hard to understand why his life was like that. How could he get out of these moments? When will people start to like me?
A lot of teens have these identity problems but it's rare for it to happen to this extreme. However, Tanveer has chosen to learn from it and view it from a perspective of empathy. That those who bully are typically hurt people too.
This wasn't always the case though. He used to push this side of himself down. He covered it up by keeping busy and avoiding his emotions and feelings. But also viewed it as an opportunity to prove his bullies wrong.
From there, Tanveer developed healthy habits that have led to his continued success at Salesforce and with his podcast (Blessed for Success.)
You can learn more about Tanveer on (LinkedIn), by following his (IG page), and by checking out his (website).
I really hope you enjoy this episode and the wisdom of Tanveer at such a young age!