Date Aired: June 19, 2023

Time: 11:30a (pacific)

Title: Sharing Stories: An Illusion of Difference program

Host: Deborah E. Lake


Deborah Lake shares her story about tieing her first tie.


With political corruption, life challenges, and existential threats to all of creation, many of us have been searching for new ways to feel calm, empowered, connected, loved, and safe. Illusion of Difference Podcasts engender spiritual and emotional connections by developing and offering programming to teach how to fill the gap between who we want to be and who we are at any given minute.

Illusion of Difference Podcasts are produced by Lake Enterprise AffinityProductions. Our programs and workshops are grounded in the wisdom and knowledge of Deborah Elandus Lake.

Lake's words describe best our potential for growth, "Once we learn how to use our power of creation to build connections that are not only affinity based but also humanity centered, we become free to be who we're meant to be.”


Illusion of Difference: I as creator is a production of LakeEnterpriseAffinityProductions

© 2020 Deborah Elandus Lake

Music: Adding the Sun, Kevin McCleod

Voice-over: Kizzi van Lake