Lisa Marie Griffith explores the history of Dublin Book Clubs and asks: if reading is a solitary pursuit, why do so many of us love book clubs?

The size and type of book clubs in Dublin knows no boundaries! During lockdown, book clubs became an important space for people to come together to recreate sociability, to share ideas, and to support each other. Dublin has had a lively book club scene since the late eighteenth century, and this podcast tracks their emergence, evolution and diversity. Featured hosts include Tired Mammy Book Club (@tiredmammybookclub) and Black Queer Book Club (@black.queerbookclub), as well as Dublin city branch librarians.

Author and very occasional podcaster, Lisa Marie Griffith presented the 2020 Culture Night podcast ‘The Independent Bookshop Tour’. She is an avid book fan, buying more books than she can read, and a member of the Fake Book Club. She has written Dublin: Then and Now and Stones of Dublin.

IMAGE: by Thought Catalog on Unsplash