#029 Do You Have Bad Money Habits? How Do You Change Them?

I had the opportunity to have Ilana Jankowitz with Mindful Money Coaching as a guest.

She is originally from South Africa and now lives in Zurich, Switzerland. She is a money mindset coach & Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) professional. 

Here's a brief summary of what we discuss:

- How we inherited our parents habits with money, good AND bad!

- How our own thoughts about money can help or hurt us.

- How we introduce Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP) to change our mental wiring and change our habits.

- Are you complacent with your current state or willing to get uncomfortable to make a change in your life?

- Identifying our beliefs that don't serve us and how to change them.

Visit www.mindfulmoneycoaching.online to take her Archetype quiz to find out which of the 8 archetypes you align with.

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To see the show notes & to check out the webpage of the episode, go here:

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