Struggling with a difficult manager may not be new for Kristen, but shrinking back and allowing him to run her over was. Kristen talks about the mindset she lived with for months and how she began the journey of turning the tables and taking back her power.

When reflecting on a season when Kristen gave up her voice and defaulted her power to others, she realized she was taking a child’s posture in an adult role. Defining who she is became the foundation for stepping out and speaking up.

Tangible Takeaways:

It’s ok to name your RIQ (reason I quit) and put action behind it.When someone confronts you with power-play tactics, remember: you are not in competition with themAvoid waiting for someone older to come in and rescue you, it is up to you to take action.Remember: you are an adult in an adult role! Avoid taking the child’s posture.Define who you are and what you want to project in the world. 

About Kristen:

Kristen Grant-Evuleocha, also known as Kristen Geez, is the creator of Advising Generation Z. 

Kristen is an Author, TEDx Speaker, Freelance Reporter for the National Diversity & Leadership Conference, and Brand Ambassador for Women That Soar. Kristen holds a BS. in Ethical Leadership, MEd in Leadership & Development, and will begin pursuing her Doctoral Degree in degree in  Leadership and Learning Specialization in Organizational Leadership fall of 2020. 

Kristen is dedicated to building confidence, developing leadership, inspiring unity, and setting high standards for people of all ages.  Her philosophy of creating context and covering events that help develop and empower people, has inspired thousands of adults and children to pursue their personal and professional goals. 


Connect with Kristen:





About me:
Karen Laos is a keynote speaker and leadership coach equipping women to stand out with unshakable confidence. She specializes in communication: executive presence and compelling messages. Karen champions female business leaders to own their value and find their voice so they can be seen and heard. She also works with teams to create cultures of trust and function at their best.

Karen has coached leaders at Facebook, Google, Netflix, Uber, Sephora, Sony, Microsoft, Fidelity, Charles Schwab, Trip Advisor, Bacardi, Levi, and more. Karen’s style is fun, encouraging and results-oriented. She immediately moves past the “fluff” and gets straight to the issue (just ask her clients).


Connect with me:



Facebook: Ignite Your Confidence with Karen Laos:


Clubhouse: @karenlaos

Episodes also available on YouTube: