As you prepare to give feedback, remember that your perceived idea of potential conflict is fiction until it becomes fact. Not all potential conflicts are actually conflicts, and you may be spending a lot of energy preparing (or avoiding) a conflict that isn't there.

I share tactical ways you can prepare and deliver feedback in a way that avoids conflict as much as possible. You have the power to shape the experience for those receiving your feedback, so take the time to prepare beforehand. They will thank you for it!

Tangible Takeaways:

Our perceived idea of others' response to feedback is fiction until it becomes fact. Treat it as fiction, and be open to various responses to your feedback. Avoid assuming the worst.The first step is always to inquire. Ask about the topic on hand and truly lean in and listen. Their response may either confirm or change your feedback.Before engaging in a difficult discussion, grab some paper and sketch out two columns: one side is titled “facts” and the other is “interpretations.” Write out all the interpretations for each fact: you’ll be amazed at how many more interpretations you find than facts!Use the A.S.S method: Ask, Seek, and Share. Enter the conversation from a position of learning and understanding. This increases the success of your feedback.Avoid using the word “feedback” - this triggers many reactions! Say “input” or “thoughts” instead.

About me:
Karen Laos is a keynote speaker and leadership coach equipping women to stand out with unshakable confidence. She specializes in communication: executive presence and compelling messages. Karen champions female business leaders to own their value and find their voice so they can be seen and heard. She also works with teams to create cultures of trust and function at their best.

Karen has coached leaders at Facebook, Google, Netflix, Uber, Sephora, Sony, Microsoft, Fidelity, Charles Schwab, Trip Advisor, Bacardi, Levi, and more. Karen’s style is fun, encouraging and results-oriented. She immediately moves past the “fluff” and gets straight to the issue (just ask her clients).


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Facebook: Ignite Your Confidence with Karen Laos:


Clubhouse: @karenlaos

Episodes also available on YouTube:

My book “Trust Your Own Voice”:

Karen Laos, Communication Expert and Confidence Cultivator, leverages 25 years in the boardroom and speaking on the world’s most coveted stages such as Google and NASA to transform missed opportunities into wins. She is fiercely committed to her mission of eradicating self-doubt in 10 million women by giving them practical strategies to ask for what they want in the boardroom and beyond. She guides corporations and individuals with her tested communication model to generate consistent results through her Powerful Presence Keynote: How to Be an Influential Communicator.


Get my free tips: 9 Words to Avoid & What to Say Instead:


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Facebook: Ignite Your Confidence with Karen Laos:


Episodes also available on YouTube:

My book “Trust Your Own Voice”: