LISTEN NOW: The Sexual Urge & Transformation of the World

Pope St. John Paul II’s biographer, George Weigel, said that the Theology of the Body is a time bomb set to go off sometime this century. Clearly, God’s beautiful and powerful design of the “sexual urge” embedded in our humanity is very much alive… but is it well? This blend of personal story-telling and compelling teaching by Mass Impact/Image Trinity’s Founder and CEO, Greg Schlueter frames an ultimate, urgent consideration of this moment: What if all that power, energy, and drive embedded in us was transformed back to it’s purpose? What if this God-given compass whose Due North is God was re-calibrated back Him?

We would be a society of saints.

The following presentation, “The Sexual Urge and Transformation of the World,” took place at a Theology on Tap. It’s a compelling presentation of God’s design and purpose for our sexuality, a means for our deepest longing for intimacy with Him, our union with others, how it’s playing out right now, and how we might see it re-calibrated for our transformation and the transformation of the world. This is the core mission of Mass Impact/Image Trinity-- that we understand our ultimate drama, our ultimate identity and mission, to make God, who is love, known. 

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