This week we compare BioWare’s PR tactics to prolonged ejaculation, useless tat that comes with collector’s editions and the fact that some big stuff’s apparently about to happen? We wish someone had told us.

We also delve into the world of entertainment by talking about concept art for Batman Versus Superman. There are pictures too, which you can’t see, but we gesticulated at them pretty hard during recording and that probably comes across.

So stop being lazy and expecting us to do the hard work for you. Sit yourself down and let Stu, Luke, Alex and Keza whisk you away on a magical sensory journey that’ll put hair on your chest and tickle your bifkin. Or whatever. It should raise a grin, at least.

IGN UK Podcast #206 

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This week we compare BioWare’s PR tactics to prolonged ejaculation, useless tat that comes with collector’s editions and the fact that some big stuff’s apparently about to happen? We wish someone had told us.

We also delve into the world of entertainment by talking about concept art for Batman Versus Superman. There are pictures too, which you can’t see, but we gesticulated at them pretty hard during recording and that probably comes across.

So stop being lazy and expecting us to do the hard work for you. Sit yourself down and let Stu, Luke, Alex and Keza whisk you away on a magical sensory journey that’ll put hair on your chest and tickle your bifkin. Or whatever. It should raise a grin, at least.

IGN UK Podcast #206 

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