Mike Sellers has been in the games industry for decades. He was the lead designer for Meridian 59, the first 3D MMO game. He’s also worked on The Sims 2, Ultima Online, a mix of indie, AAA, retail, and F2P games, and he once worked on AI for DARPA. He is currently teaching at Indiana University, where he is ... Read more

Mike Sellers has been in the games industry for decades. He was the lead designer for Meridian 59, the first 3D MMO game. He’s also worked on The Sims 2, Ultima Online, a mix of indie, AAA, retail, and F2P games, and he once worked on AI for DARPA. He is currently teaching at Indiana University, where he is the Director of the Game Design program.

This is a recording of an “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) session with Mike Sellers, hosted by the IGDA Student SIG. If you’re interested in doing an AMA with students, you can sign up here.