Ron William interviews Van K. Tharp.

Ron William interviews Van K. Tharp on the following subjects:

1. The markets are a process not a think. When you turn it into a thing and give it characteristics and represent it a certain way, you need to realize that that representation is made up.  It’ represents your beliefs. Thus, you must trade useful beliefs – meaning that have value (i.e., make you money) in a wide context and will work for a lot of people. And here its important to know that beliefs are not true, but we can call them facts if they work in a wide enough context.

2. There are multiple factors that influence the outcome of a trade.   And this is what systems thinking it about – it’s not just your trading system, but there are also about 15 total systems that we’ve identified that could impact your trading.

3. And the fact that the most important system in this pandemic is the You factor.  If you understand how to master that factor, then you have a good chance of doing a lot more than surviving.

Ron William is an active member of the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA) and Vice President and Head of the Geneva Chapter of the Swiss Association of Market Technicians (SAMT).

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