This week's pod is one of our best yet, and certainly ranks in our Top 10 ever!

Think of this pod as a sandwich: the middle part of it with all the yummy goodies is our interview with Iain Roberts regarding IDEO's global Startup in Residence Program. In this interview, Iain and Diego go over the origins of the program, talk about what we look for in startups wanting to take part in it, and discuss where it's headed. In the course of the interview, Iain talks about Food Genius, the first startup to take part in the program.

The first slice of bread? Joe and Diego answer some questions from our loyal band of listeners. And also ponder the rather large US Navy amphibious assault ship parked outside of our IDEO San Francisco studio.

The top slice is a look back on a couple of cool venture-design related things which just plain knocked our hats in the creek.

King Ship!

Music: "Jimmy H. Boogaloo" & "Octopussy" by Juanitos with a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 France License