The situation is tense. The team are in a standoff with a mad scientist and several of his guards. So what does Dog do? Pretend to barf all over the silo floor. An action-packed episode of Neon Trails.



Ethan playing "Mox" ( @thousandfacescosplay )

Lauren playing "Drall" (@95PercentLauren_)

Wild playing "Bee" (@Wildling011)

Pete playing "Dog" (@gator_pete)

Mallo playing "Galen" ( @themalloman )

Caleb is our Game Runner (@TheCalebG)


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Intro by Mallo

Narration by Michael (@losermlw) I

ntro and background music from  @epidemicmusic  (Awesome resource for content creators)


© 2023 Humanoid Games, LLC.