In this episode of Ideas, I talk to Chris Guillebeau about listening to his audience, his new book "Born for This," passion, fear, and community. Here's our conversation:

The post Ideas: Chris Guillebeau — Side Hustle, The $100 Startup, Born for This, & The Happiness of Pursuit appeared first on Adam Kirk Smith.

I wanted to have Chris on the show because he has lived life to the full, and continues to do so. He has traveled to every country in the world, built a large blog community, created The World Domination Summit, and has written amazing books along the way. In other words, there isn’t much he hasn’t done, so he knows what he’s talking about. After you listen to our conversation below, my hope is that you take away many ideas to use in your own life.

The post Ideas: Chris Guillebeau — Side Hustle, The $100 Startup, Born for This, & The Happiness of Pursuit appeared first on Adam Kirk Smith.