Previous Episode: Metropolis

The year is 1980. Star Wars is pretty popular. Everyone is talking about it. So what if, and here me out, we just did that again? No? What if we did Star Wars AND The Magnificent Seven? Heck yeah! Now … Continue reading →

The year is 1980. Star Wars is pretty popular. Everyone is talking about it. So what if, and here me out, we just did that again? No? What if we did Star Wars AND The Magnificent Seven? Heck yeah! Now we’ve got ourselves a movie!

Battle Beyond the Stars is a WILD ride. There’s space, explosions, that one spaceship has boobs… the movie basically has everything! So what can Tanner (@sparkyupstart on Blue Sky) and I POSSIBLY do to remake this movie? I’m pretty sure the answer is spend more time on the script!

And also more space explosions. Obviously.


Tanner Vogelsang – @sparkyupstart on Bluesky

@idealremake on Instagram

Host: Sam Gasch – @samgasch on BlueSky

Artwork: Jason Hammons (@JasonHalftones on Instagram)

Theme Song: Rebel Spies “Not Dead, Not Yet” from the album Rise!:

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