Today’s guest, Knolly Williams, is an incredible human who truly lights up the room wherever he goes. Knolly is a serial entrepreneur who has created multiple 6 and 7 figure businesses literally from the ground up. From a rap record label to the top 1% of realtors in the country, to coaching people all around the world, Knolly is living his divine purpose.

Knolly has faced some incredible hardships on his entrepreneurial journey like losing everything he had in his early 30’s and going bankrupt after his business was earning 6-figures per month.

The lessons that Knolly has learned on his journey to the 7-figure mark are incredible. A few of the key takeaways from his journey include:

Direct steps to figure out your purpose and passion in life (here is Knollys discounted “Discovering Your Divine Destiny” course exclusively for you!). The 2 major things that prevent people from taking their idea to reality. How doubt is equivalent to the delete button in life and how to make the shift from doubt to belief. How to set goals. How to take your life and income to 6 & 7 figures and beyond!

Since finding your passion and purpose in life are so important to your long-term success, happiness, and fulfillment, Knolly has created an 8-week in-depth course to show you how to “Discover Your Divine Destiny”. He has coached thousands of individuals to their divine destiny and he wants to help you next!

♦️Click here to access the half off coupon code to the “Discover Your Divine Destiny” Course.

♦️If this course is too much for you, Knolly created a free workbook covering "Discovering Your Divine Destiny" which you can order here.

♦️Click here to get Knolly’s free financial analysis worksheet.

⬇︎Make sure to follow Knolly below, he is constantly providing incredible free information on all of his channels!







Knolly's top books:

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind   Letting Go: The Pathway to Surrender   The Science of Getting Rich

Success With Listings

⬇︎Follow Tal here!





