Today on Idea to Reality we cover everything digital. Coming from a man who had his first computer in the 2nd grade and learned how to code and build websites at a very young. Anthony Delgado comes onto the show and talks to us about the power of technology in our current economy.

Anthony was self-taught for the majority of his life and one major thing he realized on his journey was that instead of being stuck in analysis paralysis and watching thousands of videos and reading hundreds of books. He got out into the marketplace and tested.

Saw what worked what didn’t work, learned how to pivot and learn from his mistakes and failures. Anthony also had an incredible experience working with one of the biggest entrepreneurs of our age Gerard Adams. He helped Gerard build up his current business Fownders into what we see today.

During his time at Fownders, hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico. Anthony found himself being called to lend his heart and help to the people of Puerto Rico. He started off by buying a pallet of water to send out and he then found out that the supplies he and his friends sent out along with thousands of others were actually stuck at the border and not even being distributed.

This is when Anthony had the urge to go Disrupt Puerto Rico. He quit his job at Fownders and went to the island and gave away 300 solar lights, food, water and so much more. With some family ties to this beautiful island, Anthony knew this is where his future was. So, as of the last few months, Anthony has moved to Puerto Rico full time and has launched Disrupt Puerto Rico to help teach people everything digital including coding, hacking and digital marketing.

Anthony is literally helping to breathe life back into the devastated economy of Puerto Rico by the work he is doing and the jobs he is creating. More importantly, he is helping to transform the island into the first digital hub of the Caribbean through Disrupt and the school he created called the Caribbean Institute of technology.

Top 3 Takeaways:

Don’t be scared to mess up, don’t be scared for your people to mess up. They will and you will just make sure you are learning from it and pushing forward. If you want to do massive things then utilize other people, hire on a team, ask for help, learn how to delegate. Get out in the market and actually test things out, see what works and what doesn’t work. Do not get stuck in analysis paralysis.

Thank you all so much for taking the time to listen enjoy!

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