Have you ever wondered what the difference is between you and people like Bill Gates? Lady Gaga? and the rest of the extremely successful people on our planet?

That difference is something called "The Third Door". This is the way that they all broke through in their careers, whether that's how Bill Gates sold his first piece of software or how Steven Spielberg became the youngest studio director in Hollywood history, they all took the third door.

In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing the man who tracked down all of these people and what he learned from them about how they broke through in their respective careers. This young man's name is Alex Banayan.

This is an action-packed episode that I know you will love. Alex takes us on his quest from hacking and WINNING "The Price Is Right" to behind the scenes on his interviews with some of the most successful people on our planet.

What Alex realized throughout his 5-year quest of tracking down these icons, was that they all approached life and business the same way. They all took "The Third Door".

Make sure you give this a listen to understand what this means and how you too can take the third door.


Support Alex by purchasing a copy of his brand new hit book        "The Third Door" or by visiting his site here.

Continue to follow Alex's quest: Instagram Facebook YouTube

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