"Provision means: For the Vision.  If we don't have Vison, how do we expect Provision?"

-Jason Toevs, Entrepreneur

Artificial General Intelligence is the most compelling technology of my lifetime.  So why does something with such incredible promise and opportunity scare so many people?  ai is both promising and terrifying at the same time because human being have the capacity to do extraordinary things at the same time human being have the capacity to do horrible things.  This is the paradox of humanity.  

Jason Toevs is the successful Entrepreneur with whom to have this discussion.  He has created/Founded/CEOed multiple companies and that is hard to do.  It takes incredible discipline and  good judgement.  Artificial Intelligence has spectacular applications that will advance human potential.  The application of it, the vision of it, takes good judgment.  The world is full of people with varying degrees of judgement and discipline.  ai is amongst us and it is not going back in the bottle.  So tell us Jason Toevs, how do we positively transform society using Artificial Intelligence knowing the paradox of being human?