When markets are free, markets become more fair.  When people feel the deal was fair, the consequences are an improvement to human welfare.  Fair Market Health provides the service of transparency between you the patient and the medical service you need.

It is the ultimate freedom; engage in trade between a willing buyer and a willing seller for a service.  And this is what Fair Market Health has done by creating a network of Providers for health care  and the price they charge for the service they will perform.  The winner in this equation is both parties.  How often do you have a medical service performed that results in a long series of billing from the Insurance Company, a medical billing company, the Doctor’s Practice and at least one or two Third Party arbiters?  All of this confusion promotes suspicion, “did I get a good deal?”  And as the correspondence continues months after you might ask yourself “what am I actually paying for?”  Certainty in a fair trade between two parties for a service is optimal because it creates a win/win and the confidence that markets are securing the best Services and the best Outcomes.