At some point in our lives our personal relationship with Allah will lead to confront oppression and Oppressors. Staying silent isn’t an option. But we know we can’t do it alone. This week we study the methods Prophet Musa & Harun addressed Pharoah and the challenges of community building. Let’s learn the Prophetic models of how to speak truth to power and develop communitites that are a movement not merely a moment.

Let's discover how the Message of Islam was spread and developed over time throughout many nations. We will journey down the adventurous path of dawah, service and bringing light to humanity. What lessons can be drawn from their life and times? What did Allah intend for us to know by preserving their stories in Quran? During Wednesday night's class of Live and Learn, we can take this path of Revelation to the World and extract the gems for our personal lives and struggles in faith.