Shaykh Suhaib Webb is a contemporary American Muslim Imam, thought leader and educator. After his conversion to Islam, Webb left a career in the music industry and pursued his passion in education. He enrolled at the University of Central Oklahoma, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Education.

While pursuing his bachelors degree Shaykh Suhaib studied privately with a renowned Muslim Scholar of Senegalese descent. After intense private training in various Islamic sciences, Shaykh Suhaib was hired as the Imam at the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, where he not only provided Khutbas (Sermons) and religious classes but also counseled families and young people.

After serving as Imam and resident scholar in various communities across the country, Shaykh Suhaib decided to further his education and training in Islamic Law and various other Islamic sciences. He enrolled at the world-renowned Islamic educational institution Al-Azhar University in the College of Shariʿah. There he studied at the college and privately with leading Islamic thinkers on contemporary Islam. After years of study in the Arabic Language, he was appointed head of the English Translation Department at Dar al-Ifta al-Masriyah as a Mufti.

While undergoing rigorous training in Islamic Law Shaykh Suhaib completed the memorization of the Quran while in the city of Makkah. Shaykh Suhaib has not only studied at Al-Azhar but also holds a number of licenses from traditional scholars in various religious sciences as was practiced in traditional Islamic law for centuries.