Ustadh Mike Swies is the Director of Outreach & Community Engagement of the Ta'leef Collective, as well as a Speech-Language Pathologist. His passion is to serve people, inspire individuals to action, and share insight from his life experiences. He received his Master's Degree in Speech-Language Pathology in 2008 from Rush University. He specializes in the assessment and rehabilitation of individuals with swallowing disorders. He embraced Islam in 2006 and has been engaged in various projects related to community building, Islamic education, and supporting converts to the faith. He currently serves the community as the Director of Outreach at Ta'leef Collective an organization with the mission to provide the space, content, and companionship for an authentic understanding, embrace, and realization of Islam in America. 


Support the Islamic Center at NYU 

Our operating and programmatic budget comes directly from donations and as our community grows, so do our expenses. If you are interested in making a one-time, monthly, annual, or general donation to the Islamic Center at NYU, please do so at