The European Commission is about to launch a major revision to the Reach chemicals regulation which, amongst 70 new measures, could see entire classes of substances being banned.
- Root and branch reform of Reach launches 14 October
- Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability to include 70 regulatory or legal measures
- More hazard-based or generic assessment of risk
- Will ban groups of substances rather than individual substances
- Will impact trade flows for EU imports
- 2-3 years from then will come into effect, rest of decade to implement
- Risks putting Europe at a disadvantage to other regions
- Revision to Reach comes on top of pressures from Covid-19, Brexit
- Recovery for Europe chemicals could take 1-2 years
- Law for climate neutrality by 2050 is an added pressure
- Europe Green Deal & recovery plan offer opportunities for chemicals
Listen to this podcast interview with Marco Mensink, director general at Europe chemicals trade group Cefic.