The chemical industry is under intense pressure to ramp up recycling but is being held back by technology, poor collection and inertia over commitment to major investments.
- Mechanical recycling present in Europe for more than 20 years
- 46m tonnes/year of mechanical recycling capacity in Europe (PET, PP, PE)
- 21m tonnes/year mechanical recycling capacity in Asia
- Chemical recycling has not yet made a big impact on the market
- Around 200 chemical recycling projects on ICIS database
- Mainly under 10,000 tonnes/year and in Europe, North America
- 5-10 years before they reach commercial scale
- Europe PET bottle market used only 15% of recycled feedstock in 2019
- By 2025 this must rise to 25% to meet EU target
- 5-15% recycled feedstock penetration for Europe polyolefins for packaging
- Chemical recycling may be more carbon intensive than virgin production
- Industry must accelerate recycling or face product substitution by brand owners
- Asia accounts for most ocean plastic pollution but has poor collection infrastructure
- Entire supply chains should take responsibility for collection/recycling
- Industry faces more taxation on plastic waste
- Blockchain could be used to process data on plastic use and recycling
Register for a free ICIS Asia recycling webinar on Wednesday 3 March