The story in Mark 4 gives us insight into the peace Jesus had in the middle of a storm, and the ability of not being disturbed by what goes on around Him. If Jesus had a pillow, and used it in the storms of His earthly ministry and life, we should have one too. The pillow represents rest and confidence that God will take care of us, and not being bothered by the storms around us. 

Many have the question: Why do great men and women make mistakes? The #1 reason why people make mistakes in life and ministry is the problem of exhaustion. 

There are different kinds of tiredness: physical, mental and spiritual. Every one of us face these three, and each one needs to be dealt with in a different way. It is important that we do tiredness checks on all three areas to make sure we are full of strength.

One of the great traps of the enemy is to wear you out and to get you exhausted, so he can find access to your gift and your life. His goal is to cause trouble and disqualify you from ministry.

Dr. Roberts Liardon shares practical wisdom and vital tools which will strengthen you in these three areas. God wants you to make it to the end of your days full of life and overflowing with joy and peace, finish everything you were called to do, and enjoy your time on the earth.