I'm pretty sure a lot of people will be looking forward to this conversation, and for me it's sort of been a while coming. I met up with Mark Pollard over a couple of years ago in London, had just bought a new digital audio recorder I didn't really know how to use properly (and barely do now, just about enough to record one-on-one conversations), so the recording wasn't particularly good and to set that episode aside.

I was happy to catch up with Mark and we had an excellent conversation about the book he's writing; what he's up to with the Sweathead community and podcast; the way he views neglect and creativity, the five love languages, the games he plays with his children, and more.

"The idea behind what I'm doing with Sweathead is to connect people who think for a living, many of whom are quite intuitive, many of whom might identify as being sensitive and emotional - not everyone, but many. They want to do something creative, they're trying to figure out how to talk to themselves in healthier ways, and I'm just trying to create a gang around that because the power of these people and their brains - it's huge! If you can help them see through their day jobs, if they're not feeling fulfilled in their day jobs."

Mark Pollard

I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed chatting with Mark - and if you do, please subscribe to the podcast (more guests and episodes coming soon!) and give it a 5* rating and a review, it helps others find the show. Share it with your friends and acquaintances who might enjoy it too!

Mentioned in this episode:

Follow Mark Pollard on Twitter
Mark Pollard's website | Strategy Is Your Words
Strategy the Work Out!
Sweathead with Mark Pollard Podcast
Sweathead Website | Facebook Group

Hip Hop
Leo Burnett Sydney
Todd Samson
Impostor Syndrome
5 Love Languages
Wing Chun
Bruce Lee
Ip Man
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Cannes Festival of Creativity
The Lords of Strategy
Words with Friends
Clash Royale
Clash of Clans
Tower Defence Games
The Marshall Chess Club in New York
Chicago - Ilinois Chess Association
US Chess Federation
Behavioral Economics of Altruism
Intermittent fasting
IRC - Internet Relay Chat | mIRC
RAM - short term memory
The Good Men Project
The Good Men Project articles written by James D'Souza
"Are You Less of A Man If You Can't Have Kids?" by James D'Souza
Design Thinking
The Academy of Ideas on Youtube
Zee MELT Conference in Mumbai, India

Twitter Mentions