Welcome to IBM’s Keep It Simple (KIS) Technology Podcast hosted by Thomas F. Anglero, Nordic Dir. of Innovation for IBM. In this episode, Brian Rasmussen, IBM's Nordic CTO,  explains what is the role of the CTO during and post-CORONA?  What are the first things a CTO should be thinking about, talking about, and planning for?  

Brian also share the results of interviewing 160+ CTOs throughout Europe and what they are thinking and discussing during the CORONA crisis.  What are their priorities post-CORONA?  Brian also provides incredible advice for non-IT companies like restaurants, cleaners, etc.  He wonderfully explains how to become a more IT based company (Hint, Digital Twin) and how the future is still just as exciting post-CORONA and so much more...

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We have also gathered some exiting insights where you pick and choose the ones that fits your needs the best. 

Read how you can unleash data and AI for competitive advantage - https://ibm.co/39oc0D3

Manage IT. How to Orchestrate and simplify multi-cloud - https://ibm.co/2UqFtrW

Optimize IT. How to Accelerate digital transformation - https://ibm.co/2WTsXCI

Build cloud-native. Build once, deploy anywhere - https://ibm.co/33WNmIL

Modernize applications. How you can simplify and extend apps with an open, hybrid cloud - https://ibm.co/2wLYRG

KEYWORDS: Cloud Computing, Digital Twin, Resiliency, Security, Planning, Architecture