How often does Matt Hooper get the chance to interview another podcast host?! Well — not ever — until now! Rachel Wolfson, host of The Crypto Chick is joining the podcast! And not only is Rachel a blockchain podcast host, but she’s also a public speaker and journalist who contributes to a multitude of publications. She has been writing about the tech industry for nearly 10 years and has been focusing specifically on blockchain and cryptocurrency for the past two. As a journalist, Rachel interviews some of the most influential people in the enterprise blockchain space and frequently travels the world for conferences!

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In this episode, Rachel shares her unique perspective on blockchain from the vantage point of a journalist. She highlights some of the top trends in the space right now, shares what you should know as an executive or blockchain developer when you’re looking to adopt a blockchain strategy — explaining why now is the time to get on blockchain! At the end of the episode, Rachel also talks about an upcoming book she is working on about one of her favorite topics in the space right now: enterprise blockchain! 


Key takeaways


[:01] Matt introduces today’s show.

[1:26] About today’s special guest!

[1:47] Matt welcomes Rachel on to the show!

[1:55] What does Rachel get to do all day long?

[2:45] What was the moment that made Rachel want to jump into the blockchain space?

[4:40] What originally drew Rachel into supply chain? What excites her about it?

[8:45] As someone who has a very unique vantage point as a journalist - what does Rachel see as the current biggest and most exciting trends in the space right now? And are there any trends we may not have heard of yet?

[12:57] How can we educate others on the difference between blockchain and crypto? And how can we ensure companies interested in blockchain that the time is now to act?

[17:05] Has a lot of the confusion in the space revolve around a fear of volatility and instability?

[18:29] About IBM’s Blockchain for Dummies online book!

[19:12] If you’re a blockchain developer or an executive and you’re looking into the space, what should you know before you adopt a blockchain strategy? How can they begin to put together an adoption strategy for a business use case? What are some of the challenges with implementation?

[24:55] What is Rachel’s mission with her podcast, The Crypto Chick? And what are some of her goals for the show?

[27:42] Rachel speaks a bit about her upcoming book on the topic of enterprise blockchain; what inspired it, how far she is in writing it, and some of what she’s learned while researching for it!

[31:57] Matt thanks Rachel for the work she’s done in the space and for joining the podcast!

[32:48] Matt closes out today’s show!


Sources mentioned


The Crypto Chick with Rachel Wolfson

Rachel Wolfson Articles on Bitcoin Magazine

Rachel Wolfson Articles on Forbes

IBM Food Trust

Golden State Foods

“UNICEF Launches Cryptocurrency Fund,” Press Release on UNICEF

“UNICEF Launches Cryptocurrency Fund to Back Open Source Technology,” by Wolfie Zhao on Coindesk

Blockchain for Dummies

IBM Blockchain for Business


Follow-up with our guest


Rachel Wolfson’s Website

Rachel Wolfson’s Twitter


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