Diets and the Psychology of Eating is our primary focus in Episode 8. We explore the different types of diets that IBD patients sometime choose, the psychology around food and eating, plus how social functions can be particularly difficult for IBD patients when they are centered around food. Christina Matthies also gives us an update […]

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Diets and the Psychology of Eating is our primary focus in Episode 8. We explore the different types of diets that IBD patients sometime choose, the psychology around food and eating, plus how social functions can be particularly difficult for IBD patients when they are centered around food. Christina Matthies also gives us an update on her health and current lung condition.

This show is dedicated to the memory of Kerri Jacobs. Loving wife and mother of two children who passed due to complications of Crohn’s Disease.

Episode Eight Panelist are Sara Ringer, Christina Matthies, Sarah Choueiry, Marisa Lauren Troy, Frank Garufi Jr. and special guest Nysha Delhgren

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