This podcast features K. Ray Chaudhuri, MD, DSc, Professor of Movement Disorders and Neurology at King’s College Hospital and King’s College London, UK, and Medical Director of the Parkinson Foundation International Centre of Excellence at King’s College, and Yazead Buhidma, a PhD student at the Wolfson Centre of Age-related Diseases at King’s College London. Chaudhuri studies Parkinson’s disease (PD) and is a world leader in defining non-motor symptoms and non-motor phenotypes of PD. Meanwhile, Buhidma is working to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of PD pain and test potential treatments, by linking findings from Parkinsonian animal models with functional neurological changes, pharmacological tests, and post-mortem analysis of Parkinson patient tissue.

Chaudhuri and Buhidma speak with PRF Correspondent Jayden O'Brien, a PhD candidate at the University of Sydney, Australia, to discuss the problem of pain in Parkinson’s disease (PD), how researchers are studying PD pain in animals and what they are learning about its mechanisms, and more.