Ian Hates Movies is back and Ian and Kelly have stepped back in their DeLorean to travel to another fictional high school! This time they're discussing 10 Things I Hate About You (1999)! Besides the first quote of the night, Ian and Kelly don't even mention the fashion! That's how much they have to talk about! So why talk about it here? Just listen! Don't forget to subscribe/rate/share on iTunes/Stitcher/Google Play Music or whatever your favorite podcast listening app may be! Ian and Kelly are pretty sure no one hates this movie, but just in case...Does Ian Hate 10 Things I Hate About You... http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/ian-hates-movies https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ian-hates-movies/id1074098110?mt=2

Ian Hates Movies is back and Ian and Kelly have stepped back in their DeLorean to travel to another fictional high school! This time they're discussing 10 Things I Hate About You (1999)! Besides the first quote of the night, Ian and Kelly don't even mention the fashion! That's how much they have to talk about! So why talk about it here? Just listen! Don't forget to subscribe/rate/share on iTunes/Stitcher/Google Play Music or whatever your favorite podcast listening app may be! Ian and Kelly are pretty sure no one hates this movie, but just in case...Does Ian Hate 10 Things I Hate About You...

