Love can come when we least expect it, transforming our lives, even if that love is short lived. After her first husband died, Sophie didn't think she'd find love again. She followed the guidance of a dream and found Dan, the love of her life.

Indian Summer is written and performed by Wells Hanley and sung by Laura Ann Singh. Lyrics appear below.

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Thank you to family and friends for your support in the long journey that created this podcast. Your hearts are weaved into every episode.

A very special thanks to you, Courtney Page Ferrell for bolstering my confidence before I believed in this idea, for realizing "it's a podcast!", and for continuing to cheer me on tirelessly.

The deepest and most cathartic thank you to you, Elizabeth Smartt for partnering with me to birth this creative vision. For spending countless hours sculpting my idea into something clear and concise down to the logo, website, and even the format of each episode. You are a godsend of a creative collaborator and I am eternally grateful to you for bringing this podcast into the world with me.


Indian Summer
Music and Lyrics by Wells Hanley ©2020

You were my Indian summer

and though I knew you would be my last

when the breeze came in warm, and the trees came to life,

I didn’t know it would go so fast.

Our love was such a late-comer

it put to shame every forecast there was

and though it has ended, you showed me, my Indian summer

love will show up when it does.


Now outside the mountain is covered

and the frost on the field came so cold

but here on my hearth is a place we discovered

that is golden and never grows old

Where the flowers are still in their season

and the fragrance is fresh as the dawn

You came and you went, but old Indian summer,

you showed me that life still goes on.


And, oh, look how alone we both were,

believing that’s how it always would be

for year upon year, until out of the clear

you found me,

and I found you.


So when daylight seems to be dying

and the leaves one by one letting go

and December creeps in like the cold kiss of death,

I am comforted now, for I know

that no matter how harsh is the bitter wind

and no matter how hard is the ground,

Sometimes, unexpectedly, a warm summer rain

can blow into Overall, removing the stain

of the time spent in longing, in grief, and in pain,

and all the flowers can bloom, and the fields fill with grain,

and the cup that was empty spills over again.

And the harvest can feel far away,

and so even though, Indian Summer, you had to go,

you stay.

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