The oldest natural history museum in North America, the Academy of Natural Sciences, is near where Gavin lives, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! Some students from Gavin's university took a trip to the Academy for a class this semester, and Gavin tagged along to meet Dr. Ted Daeschler. Dr. Daeschler works on the evolutionary transitions from fish with fins, to land-dwelling animals with limbs, and he was nice enough to join us this episode for an interview!

Dr. Daeschler's website:*w9snbo*_ga*MjA4MjA0MDE5LjE2Nzk0NDgzODE.*_ga_6KJ1PNLE19*MTY3OTQ0ODM4MS4xLjAuMTY3OTQ0ODM4MS42MC4wLjA.

Palaeocast Gaming Network video Gavin made about the new Pokemon Games:

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