Previous Episode: John Cabrera
Next Episode: Sue O'Lear

Intro: The cult(ure) of skiing. Shapewear.
Let Me Run This By You: What is your emotional age? A parent's biggest job.
Interview: We talk to Justen Ross about doing theatre school on zoom, being a multi-hyphenate, and forging a new path for Black students at TTS.

I'm Jen Bosworth from me this and I'm Gina Polizzi. We went to theater school together. We survived it, but we didn't quite understand it. 20 years later, we're digging deep talking to our guests about their experiences and trying to make sense of it all. We survived theater school and you will too. Are we famous yet? So I was good, but it was, you know, is, uh,


It's like the, the culture is very snooty and exclusive and that kind of stuff is tiresome.


Yeah. I there's the culture. Right? So the culture around skiing is it's pretty hoity toity. I mean, if you think about it, it's like people are choosing to put two strips of wood on one foot in each strip and go down and snow. It's very, it's something you definitely choose to. Do you know what I mean?


It's a choice. It's a choice. So w when you were, was it your I'm guessing it was your dad? That was a skier.


So, uh, we had family, friends that were like, and we only did. We only did cross country skiing, but okay. But like, and my sister now, and her family did, they do some downhill skiing, but it was, so it was more, it was the culture around downhill skiing is so different than cross-country is dorky and downhill is like, cool. Right. So, but we, but I know the schlepping of the gear and the, and the, this, but the culture is so different. Like, it's really sort of a ragtag group that cross country ski versus downhill skiing.


Uh, see, I could see myself doing the cross country cause it's kind of like hiking, but just on skis, right? Yeah.


It's a great workout. It's a great workout. And it's also, you get to see, see the forest and see, see places, but it's, it's definitely kids are like, no, we want to go down. Like, what are you talking about?


But did you want to do that when you were a kid?


I was dragged into skiing and then I grew to like cross country skiing and I never have been downhill skiing.


Okay. But, um, I'm just saying like, did, were you one of the people who said to your parents, like, can we try downhill?


I think my sister might have, she was cooler in that way. I just didn't want it. I think I wanted to go ice skating. I wanted to, I did not. I did not say, Hey, let's try cross country skiing, but I definitely liked, I like my friends that went to like Vale for spring break or Christmas break from Evanston, they went to Vail, they went to Aspen. They went to, you know, I was jealous of that scene, but I think I was scared shitless to downhill ski. It's hard as hell.


Yeah. It looks really hard. It looks really hard. So when I was in sixth grade, um, we moved to a place where I was going to be in a different zone for my school district. Um, and so I did sixth grade in a different school than I had done first or kindergarten through fifth, which meant that I, and all those kids had been at that same school since kindergarten was. So it just meant that I didn't know any of those kids. And it was a rich school and one day I just remember them being like, so next week there's no school because it's ski week. And I probably just thought, I don't know. I don't know what I thought. So I went home on Friday and I said to my mom, there's no school next week. And she said, it's not because it was February or March was, it was too early for spring break.


She was like, it's not spring break. I said, it's ski week. And she goes, no, that's not a thing, mom. That's what all the kids are in. They're all going skiing. And she said for a whole week, we just had this back and forth because of course she was a single mom, like to, had to make, had to like quick. Right? Yeah. Just one of the many things. And you know, when we were there at this place, um, there was many a nanny with the younger kids. So you know that they paid to bring the nap. It just, wow. It's just a whole thing. And I don't, I'm not knocking it because I think if you can afford it and you like it, I think that's great. But it's just, I guess it's sort of still weird to me that, that, that there's just these rarefied pockets. Yeah.


Nothing has. I think that the, um, yeah, the, it hasn't changed. Like we've changed in some ways, but then there are these pockets of real classes sort of, um, look like good people, downhill ski. I'm not saying that, but the culture is one of, um, you know, elite it's elite. It's like skiing is not a thing. Like, like we said before that you have to do like walk, you know, like hiking, uh, you have to kind of walk so you can have, anyone can kind of hike, but skiing is a whole, you have to buy a lot of apparatus and the lab equipment or rent. And I remember my sister saying she took her, I thi...