Previous Episode: Mia McCullough
Next Episode: Kelly McAdams

I'm Jen Bosworth from me this and I'm Gina <inaudible>. We went to theater school together. We survived it, but we didn't quite understand 


It. 20 years later, we're digging deep talking to our guests about their experiences and trying to make sense 


Of it all. We survived theater school and you will too. Are we famous yet? 


Hello? Hello. Hello survivors. This is Gina. Welcome to our 50th five zero F episode. Today. We're going to listen back to some of our favorite interviews, some highlights from conversations that we've just adored having. Thank you to all of you who have been supporting us along the way. And I hope you enjoy a look back at some great highlight these coasts. Oh, 


How are you doing? You know, so it's not like in your twenties, it's a wild ride, right? It's like a roller coaster. It's twists and turns and your stomach hurts and you feel like there's a liberated and you felt it. Okay. It's in middle age. It's like a, like, you're just riding one of those trolleys kind of slow and there's are like in San Francisco and there's still Hills. And sometimes it is very beautiful, but a lot of times you're just slowly crawling towards your own day. Oh, the problem is, well, to preface this, to say, this is, this is, did I ever tell you the story about how I ruined someone's surprise wedding? 


So I cannot keep a secret like that. Like when the secret stakes are high, I, I, if you're ever, if never, so my friend, this is crazy. So my friend, my friend's Fiat boyfriend called me and said, hi, I am surprising Sarah in a wedding. She knows we're going on an adventure. We're going on a hot air balloon ride. And we're getting married in the hot air balloon. Oh God, can you come and be the witness? And I was at, first of all, I'm scared of any height. I said, okay. I said, fine. 


So he, this was so crazy. So I kept it. I was like, okay, here it comes. And I was like, seeing her and you know, we're not friends anymore. Shockingly. So I, I were okay. Beans. So I made it, she's supposed to dress up. She doesn't know happening, but the guy who does the hot air balloon is the minister. So he also serves as the minister. It's a whole thing. People do. Okay, fine. But you need a witness. And so I'm the witness. I'm like, this is, this is terrible. So we make it, she's in a dress, like a fancy dress. I'm in a fancy whatever outfit we have to drive to the desert. 


Right. So we're in the car. And I S I literally said, we're going. I remember it's, it's hot, it's windy. And she's excited. Nobody, you know, I sat in the backseat of her fiance or boyfriend sat in the front seat. Cause I don't know why she wanted to talk or something. I don't remember why we're both in the backseat. And I just go, I can't believe you're about to get married to the hotter. And she looked like this and he, we don't know if he I'm sure he, it was really windy. So I'm not sure if he heard, but she heard. And she looked at me and I was like, well, what the, yeah. 


People really still think that you could be sitting at Schwab's drinking phosphate going to say, oh wow, this girl's got talent. You can tell by your sweater. That's amazing. Yeah. And then he gets into his Studebaker drives down to Mayberry and yeah. You know, it's the biggest, I mean, when I found out that that Kylie Jenner made billions of dollars from selling ugly ass lipstick, I was like, wait, what? 


What's what's what did I do wrong? I guess that was important Kardashians. No, you weren't born a Kardashian in Calabasas, wherever the hell they live. But the other thing is my niece wanted to contribute to her. GoFund me to make her a billionaire. And I said, if you contribute to her, go fund me to put her over the billionaire mark. I will no longer speak to you. Hope you had a go fund. Me, go fund me to make her the first billionaire teenager or whatever that heck it was. Yes. She had piece of wood started GoFund me to put her over the edge. Oh, not she didn't start it. 


Somebody started for her. Some crazy teenage girl started it to try to get, make her belly. I mean, this is what we're dealing with here. This is the, this is what we're up against. This is what we're up against. So are you shocked that that Mitch McConnell and whoever Dicky addicted are trying to know we've got this, we've this going on? Gina. Wait, I asked, sorry. I don't have to go back to this. Go fund me. Okay. So did it make money? It work? Yes. It put her over the edge, but did it go to the girl who made the GoFundMe? No. It went to Kylie Jenner, but how, if I wanted to start a GoFundMe for someone or for Meryl Streep? 


Normally, hopefully Meryl Streep would say, you know what, I'm going to pass at. I'm going to donate the money. But I think, and I am not, I am not a hundred percent. We'd have to do the fact checking on this. I think that it put her over the edge and I'm not sure she don't look, I don't want to get sued by the Kardashians. But all I'm saying is it was like this fad thing that caught on make Kylie Jenner a billionaire. Yeah. But okay. You're living in the essential thing and essential thing that I can't wrap my brain around. It's probably really obvious to everybody, but me, if I wanted to start a fund, GoFund me from Streep. 


How on earth would I ever tell Meryl Streep or get the money to her? I'm not going to like go to the white pages and look up Meryl Streep, and then be like, Hey, I I'm raising a bunch of cash for you. Could I have your bank account number? Or what? I mean, I don't know how GoFund me works, but right, right. I think it's because it's going to this girl, maybe it was, and I kind of hope it was, but, but it, but I think it went to her company. I think they, they, like, I don't know. I know is that it was a huge social movement about, I would say five years ago, maybe four years ago. I don't know. 


And my niece was like, I'm going to donate. And I was like, oh my God, no, you're not. I will lay my body down in this Watertower place. We were in the water tower place in Chicago shopping. And I said, I will lay down on this floor and not leave it in front of American girl until you promise me you're not going to donate what has happened. I'm like, well, we've learned two things here at least. Right. Number one, Kylie Jenner is a cult leader. Oh yeah. Yeah. The cult of beauty. The cult of personality. Yes, yes. Yeah. 


Yes. It could really just be the Cole about her lips. Cause it does seem to be kind of all about her lips. It is. It's true. It's true. And additionally, I am now realizing that probably what happened with that GoFund me is that Kylie Jenner paid somebody to start that she says, I'll give you 10% of whatever you raise, because I've read things about those people that they don't, they don't pay their nannies or they, they stiff. ...