Sometimes editors are right when they suggest edits. But sometimes you're left wondering if they're wrong, or if you just got your writer underwear into a bunch. They're often very smart, but not infallible. 

And I was wrong about the name, but K. Tempest Bradford is doing an October warmup of writing prompts, only I don't think you can join anymore. Poop. But you can check her out and sign up for a future class!

Copyright 2019, Mur Lafferty -- BY-NC-SA 3.5 License --

Sometimes editors are right when they suggest edits. But sometimes you're left wondering if they're wrong, or if you just got your writer underwear into a bunch. They're often very smart, but not infallible. 

And I was wrong about the name, but K. Tempest Bradford is doing an October warmup of writing prompts, only I don't think you can join anymore. Poop. But you can check her out and sign up for a future class!

Copyright 2019, Mur Lafferty -- BY-NC-SA 3.5 License --